Post-doctoral position in stellar physics

Application deadline:  April 15, 2018

Applications are invited for a post-doctoral position in the Department of Stellar Physics of Tartu Observatory, University of Tartu. The successful applicant will work with Drs. Indrek Kolka, Laurits Leedjärv and Anna Aret on investigating massive stars in post-main sequence evolution phases, their pulsation habits, and mass-loss behaviour. The ideal candidate will have a background in stellar physics (massive star evolution, stellar winds, and/or circumstellar discs) and have experience with observations (spectroscopy, photometry and/or interferometry), data reduction, and data analysis of optical and/or infrared data. The applicant must hold a PhD degree in the field (max 6 years from PhD) by the date of employment.

Tartu Observatory is the largest professional astronomical organization in Estonia conducting research in the fields of astronomy, remote sensing, and space technology. It is located in Tõravere, approximately 20 km out of Tartu. The main building of Tartu Observatory has been completely renovated in 2011–2012, providing a modern research environment. The department offers excellent computing facilities and fast internet connection. In 2015, Estonia became a full member of the European Space Agency. The Department of Stellar Physics operates a 1.5m telescope with a single-slit spectrograph, 0.6m and 0.3m telescopes with CCD photometers.

Salary will be based on the domestic level and it includes health insurance. Starting salary will be in the range 1700 – 2400 EUR. See to compare cost of living.

The appointment is initially for one year, an extension for another year is expected upon satisfactory scientific performance. The preferred starting date shall be between June 1st 2018 and September 1st 2018 but can be negotiated.

Applicants should submit

1) a curriculum vitae with a full publication list,
2) a statement of interest (max. 2 pages),
3) a summary of the research experience (max. 2 pages).

Applicants must also provide the names and contact details of two referees who would be prepared to send confidential recommendation letters should they be requested to do so. The selection committee will send out requests for such letters for those applicants on the short-list after an initial ranking. The short-listed applicants will be invited for an interview (live or via Skype). Applications can be submitted before finishing PhD, in which case a statement from the supervisor stating the planned date of the defence should be included.

The application materials should be sent by email to: (subject: “postdoc 2018”, pdf file please), to arrive no later than 23:59 EET on April 15, 2018. Interviews will be held during May 2018 and the selected candidate will be contacted at the latest by May 31, 2018.

Additional information may be obtained by contacting Dr. Anna Aret (

Tartu Observatory
University of Tartu
Observatooriumi 1
Tõravere 61602