
astrobioloogia suvekool

Small satellites bring young researchers and top experts together

Kairi Janson | 6.08.2018

Today is the beginning of the summer school focused on micro- and nanosatellites and co-organized by the observatory. Top scientists from space research institutions around the world such as NASA will...

“Small satellites enable space missions that weren’t possible before,” said one of the lectors of the summer school, research fellow at the University of Tartu observatory and postdo...

suveakadeemia, teadusmaleva avamine 2018

Summer Academy fills the summer of students with exciting internships

Kairi Janson | 2.07.2018

In the summer, one can meet even more bright-eyed youngsters than usually in Tõravere because the observatory’s Summer Academy brings to the observatory pupils and students who can get to...

„The Summer Academy is a great chance to spend the summer productively but yet in a fun way,“ said Projects Coordinator of Tartu Observatory Karoli Kahn. The Summer Academy incorporates al...

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Contest for finding applications of satellite navigation is scouting for new ideas

Tartu Science Park Foundation | 25.06.2018

The European Satellite Navigation Competition (ESNC) which prize fund costs of 1 million euros is looking for new ideas. For the third time, the leaders of the Estonian idea competition Tallinn S...

„Satellite navigation system is essential for accurate and trustworthy positioning to guarantee the quality of their service for enterprises like Taxify, Waze, Milrem Robotics, Google Maps and s...